viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2023

Unit 3 lesson 1

Discuss preferences for a movie

A. let's play which movie do you prefer
B. yes, I love the idea!
A. Okay, I'll start. Mine is a 20th Century Girl, is Korean movie and it's very emotional, now your turn
B. My favorite film is pride and prejudice, it’s very interesting, it’s a critique of society at the time, which stigmatized those women who, when they reached a certain age, had not yet married
A. I love that kind of movies, I had no idea you’d like that guy

What is your favorite movie? 
what's it about?

A girl named Stella is seventeen years old and unlike the rest of her other friends lives a life with a quite different routine. The young woman suffers from cystic fibrosis and spends much of her time in the hospital where she has to test her self-control every day, something that will be altered when she meets another patient. Will, a young man suffering from the same disease as her. They will not be able to avoid connecting and creating a link as special as dangerous, since they must be separated at a distance of about six meters to avoid that both can be infected.


Adjectives to describe movies

•  Comedy films are very entertaining
• Last week I saw a romantic movie and it was so stimulating
• I find documentaries that are repetitive boring
• I’ve seen that movie, it makes me too dumb.


Would like and Would rather

 John would like a sandwich but he wouldn’t like a ham one.

• Mary would like a beer but Sarah wouldn’t like one.

Would rather

• Would you rather go sailing or swimming this afternoon? 

• Would you rather go downtown to answer the questions?

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